Self-coaching cards for managers

  • Methodological and management tool for those with people/team management responsibilities who wish to pursue self-development through a self-coaching approach
  • A set of 56 cards in seven developmental categories + three explanatory cards + one Joker
  • Each card contains five targeted questions for selected areas, which have consistently proven to be useful and beneficial in working with clients during many years of practice.
  • You therefore have a total of 280 questions available to you when working with the cards
  • Each card contains a quote relating to the topic
  • 56 photos have been carefully selected to correspond with the content on the reverse side of each card
  • 7 areas of development provide a summary of the management development topics that have recurred most frequently whilst working with our clients over the past 10 years
Môžeme doručiť do:
Značka: Life Up
€19,90 / ks €16,58 bez DPH
Kategória: Sebakoučovacie karty pre jednotlivcov
Hmotnosť: 0.14 kg

Why self-coaching cards?

Many years of experience have taught me that an accompanying coaching process is very beneficial if it’s designed for people who know what coaching is all about and are prepared for it. At the same time, they understand the value of this approach and are aware of the benefits of being trained by a professional coach.

There are situations when clients lack the time, resources, or opportunities, or simply haven’t yet been part of a professional coaching process. They haven’t had the need, interest, or opportunity.

Regardless of how the process is constructed, one of the most important benefits of a successful coaching process is learning how to manage our own lives autonomously under our own „direction”.


Who are the cards designed for?

Our management coaching tool is suitable for personal coaching, life coaching, management coaching, professional coaching, business coaching, career coaching, corporate coaching, performance coaching, coaching for leaders, coaching for success, and coaching for change. It is aimed primarily at people in a management position at any level.

At the same time, it will also be highly beneficial for people who:

  • based on their coaching knowledge, know what this process is about – they know about being guided by a professional coach.
  • They know how to appreciate the benefits of coaching and progress naturally into the „self-coaching process”, since effective habits were instilled into them spontaneously during the coaching process
  • have greater self-belief in their self-management, human and professional maturity, and know that they can manage difficult situations independently if they can focus on identifying them and finding a solution
  • can pause for a few moments, look into areas occupying their mind and actively choose to seek a suitable solution for themselves, even without the guidance of a coach.


What are the key benefits of using the cards?

Those working with the self-coaching cards, have the opportunity to:

  • experience the benefits of coaching for themselves
  • search for their own answers to the questions and topics addressed
  • become proficient in the use of a coaching approach in management practice (principle of one to others)
  • start working on their own self-development in areas that they themselves have chosen


What are the benefits for managers in your company?

By working with the self-coaching cards, the company has the possibility to achieve:

  • better-targeted management self-development and, subsequently, better access to staff
  • greater focus on solutions for managers‘ developmental areas
  • better results, more efficient solutions and an overall improvement in the corporate working environment


What are the additional benefits of the self-coaching tool?

  • Aid to support a coaching style in companies
  • A useful gift for managers
  • Inspiring tool for people who work in development and educational fields
  • Methodological tool to train the trainers, enabling them to embark on self-development topics and self-coaching
  • Tool for coaches who want to improve their approach to conducting of coaching interviews

A complementary tool for other activities:

  • Suitable opening activity for training sessions
  • Useful tool for encouraging people to be reflective
  • Aid during the coaching process / after / between meetings
  • Addition to various other development processes
  • Platform for managers to develop and improve on coaching questions
  • Inspirational game which facilitates the sharing of responses and ideas across the group/team

 What is the significance of the self-coaching cards?

Your solutions are the best!

Smart advice, even from the most experienced people, can at some point, particularly in more complex situations, cease to be effective. People have the best solutions hidden in them, because each one of us has his own patent that covers his individual needs!

Freedom of choice

You get the freedom and independence of time, area and other people. You are not dependent on anything or anyone. You have the option to specify the area, time and space or company with which you tackle your open topic.


What is the importance of personal self-development?

Unpublished answers

  • People have a greater tendency not to disclose critical and crucial thoughts and ideas!
  • You do not need to explain or disclose themes, areas and ways of your self-development

The selected area

  • People have awareness of the areas in which they need to develop after a period of using the cards
  • They can then choose from the development activities offered by their company. For example: online training, recommendations, sharing of know-how, customized training programmes, open education, customised self-education


Self-coaching should be undertaken when

  • You need to begin your development in a particular area quickly and independently
  • You are an introspective, a reflective type of person
  • You habitually and reflectively seek answers based on your own questions
  • What helps you to find a solution is: spontaneity, freedom of decision and finding the best time to develop independently from the surrounding area
  • You want to learn the skill of coaching through targeted questions and processes – You learn most effectively, when the learning is based on your own experience


The experience of our customers

„I have them on the desk. From time to time… especially when unexpectedly small time space arises and I’m just solving a certain acute topic with people, I pick out one or two cards… thinking what my theme I solve is all about and I am back…“ (manager Slovak Telekom)

„When I have used them frequently and I realised what my unresolved issue is!“ (manageress Tatra Banka)

„I am looking forward to coming to the quote at the end after reading the questions! A moment of stopping for a while will help me return again to what is the essential in the theme!“ (the coach)

„Sometimes I ask my people in the team to pull some cards and I ask them what issues are current for them. If not first or second, no later than the third card has one or two inspiring questions! It is often sufficient not to solve, why this cannot be done, but they asked themselves how to do it otherwise… A correct question is more than lamenting about why it cannot be done…“ (manageress Schindler)


We believe that they will help you to start successful self-management in an area which is currently challenging to you

Spoločnosť Life Up je vzdelávaco-poradenská spoločnosť zameraná na rozvoj potenciálu ľudí a tímov.

Naším poslaním a cieľom je pripravovať tréningové rozvojové programy na mieru so zámerom posilniť úroveň sociálnych a manažérskych zručností.

Vytvárame priestor na spoluprácu, v ktorej potreba ľudí na školeniach nie je otázkou, ale prioritou.


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